Posts in Know Your Enemy
Col. Sherwin George Desens

When the United States entered World War II, thousands of men put their lives on hold and instead risked them to serve their country. Sherwin George Desens was one of these men, and his decision to enlist began a decades-long career of service that took him from the skies above Normandy down to a prison camp in his grandfather’s homeland.

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Hero of the Frozen Chosin

During wartime, young people are often asked and expected to perform acts of unimaginable heroism. Gerald Kraus was one such young man who went above and beyond what was asked of him when enlisted in the Marines at just twenty years old, after the North Korean invasion of South Korea in 1950.

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Fighting for a Country that Fought Their Existence

Irvin and Zouie Little Thunder share the story of so many 20th century Native children who were subject to cultural erasure, abuse, and distance from families so key to their resilience. They share the story of entering the U.S. military while experiencing unequal freedom and citizenship, fighting for the country that so often fought their existence.

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A Dream for Himself and Others

When war broke out between the U.S and the Axis powers Bob felt like he had to prove he was an American. Bob, just like any other young person heard the patriotic call of the nation, to lend his ability to the war effort.

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Bridge, Business, and a Bronze Star

Battles have always been fought with weapons, but a modern war is fought with intelligence. Successful strategic planning requires trustworthy intelligence that can either reveal or predict the enemy’s actions.

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Hero of the Rhine

Many people believe that they will change the course of history, but few have the means and opportunity to do so. Karl Henry Timmerman, the product of German immigration, was instrumental in securing victory over forces holding the Rhine Bridge in World War II, which broke open Germany’s defenses in the west. In doing so, Karl honorably served his country and created a legacy dictated by his actions and not those of his father.

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Duty, Imprisonment, Choice

When the world is at war the courageous and the brave come together to fight for the freedom of the oppressed. The 1940s was a time when countries like the United States called upon young men and women to help end the destruction happening all over the world.

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